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Add your support for Theresa's Law!


Let your Legislators know you want them to support Theresa's Law

First Name*

Last Name*

Occupation/Title (Optional)

Email Address*



Zip Code*

Permission to add my name*

Legal Michigan Resident 18 years of age or older?*

Thank you for supporting Theresa's Law!

The following letter will be sent to all Michigan Legislators urging them to support and enact the proposed changes of Theresa's Law into Public Act 218.  By adding your name to the letter, it will increase our chances of success.  Your information will not be used for any purposes other than being included on this letter.  Thank you for your support!! ONLY MICHIGAN RESIDENTS MAY SIGN AND YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER.


Below is a sample of the letter that will be sent. Actual wording may change slightly, but the main context and spirit will be the same.




* Subject:  Support Provisions to Public Act 218 as Proposed in Theresa's Law


Dear [Legislator],


As constituents, we the undersigned urge you to support the provisions to Public Act 218 outlined in Theresa's Law that will improve the quality of care and life for seniors living in Adult Foster Care facilities and provide Direct Care Workers (DCW) with the desperately needed education and skills to properly care for and understand the population they are hired to serve.


The key elements of Theresa's Law we believe MUST be enacted are:


  • The educational requirements of Direct Care Workers
  • Financial penalties for cited violations
  • Stronger oversight and enforcement of regulations
  • Transparency
  • Appropriate staff experience for medication administration
  • Cameras in residents rooms

The current standards set forth in Public Act 218 are woefully inadequate and many seniors have suffered abuse, neglect, and indignity as a result. 


Left unchecked, the current system will implode as baby boomers continue to age. Now is the time to take action!


We respectfully ask you to vote YES on [bill number].





[signed names listed here]







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