Take Action Now: E-Mail Your Representative!
We urgently need your support to ensure the safety and well-being of our elders and persons with disabilities living in adult foster care. It’s time to make your voice heard by contacting your legislator. We've made it super easy!
How to Find your legislator: Click on this link Who Represents Me - type in your address to retrieve your state legislator with contact information.
Sample email: Use the following sample email to communicate these concerns.
Subject: Constituent asks for your support of Theresa’s Law HB4841
I am a constituent committed to the well-being of vulnerable populations. I am writing to express my strong support for Theresa’s Law – HB 4841. This legislation is essential to addressing the critical issues that affect vulnerable adults in adult foster care homes.
The provisions for enhanced training and increased transparency outlined in this bill will not only improve the quality of care for residents but also empower direct care workers, strengthen the State’s Ombudsman program, and uphold the integrity of AFC homes.
These long-overdue reforms are necessary to ensure that our most vulnerable citizens receive the protection and care they deserve.
I urge you to vote YES on HB 4841 and take this important step toward safeguarding the well-being and dignity of those in adult foster care.
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