2025 Updated Bill Objectives
Proposed Bill Package
Bill #2 Accountability
Fines for repeat violations and violations that cause serious harm, injury, or death of a resident
Bill #3 - Cameras in Residents Rooms
Allow cameras in rooms with the exception of homes that serve the mentally ill population per existing law/statute (per MALA*)
Approval required in cases where resident has a roommate
Leverage existing Bill language currently proposed for nursing homes (SB717)
Bill #4 - Create Certified Medication Aide role specific to Assisted Living Facilities
- Create certified medication aide role using existing curriculum managed by LARA*
- Remove CNA* prerequisite and work experience
* Key:
CNA = Certified Nurse Assistant
LARA = Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
MALA = Michigan Assisted Living Association
PRNs = As Needed Medications
Since the original writing of the Theresa's Law bill, we have conducted several workgroups with legislators, industry leaders, the State's Ombudsman and other stakeholders and have identified many wonderful improvements and objectives to improve the safety, protection, and quality of care of the vulnerable residents residing in adult foster care facilities, one form of assisted living in Michigan.
Many of the original provisions will remain, but in a spirit of compromise and collaboration we are removing some provisions that may not be able to be implemented immediately and have added others that will add immediate and significant value. The following proposed bill package focuses on Training, Transparency, and Accountability. We continue to, and invite you to help us, advocate for the following necessary changes.
Bill #1 Training & Transparency
Ownership: all persons who have an ownership interest in the adult foster care facility including any private equity firms, real estate investment trusts in addition to naming all businesses operating within the building or providing services.
Staff training and education details
Certification or lack of certification (unlicensed) of staff administering medications (Medication Errors #1 category for substantiated violations for past 4 Years, often with devastating consequences. (10/28/2019 – 10/30/2023)
Medication administration policy
Resident Satisfaction Survey Results
Residents’ Rights
Contact info. for APS, Ombudsman, Local Law
How to file complaint with the state and to the Facility
Substantiated Violations Online Retention 5 years from date posted online
Direct Care Worker Core Competency Training: Communication; Empathy, Dignity & Sensitivity; End of Life Issues, Aging Process, Overview of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
Advanced Medication Administration Training for Unlicensed Staff (Diabetes, PRNs*, Types/Effects, Ethics)
Annual Competency Assessments
Continuing Education 8hrs
Resident Satisfaction Surveys
Quarterly Medication Audits by a licensed pharmacist or registered nurse
Update to Residents Rights - Right to:
Have meals delivered to room when requested
View results of Resident Satisfaction Surveys
View Medical Administration Record
View past years substantiated violations